Navigating Human Disempowerment: Ibn Khaldun's Insights On The Nature of Groups

This essay was written for BlueDot Impact’s AI Governance course. I was part of the April 2024 cohort. The title of this essay was generated by GPT-4o and edited by Tariq Ali.

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Statistical Approaches Are Actually Pretty Good: A "Mea Culpa" Regarding One Of My Predictions About Text Generation

For some time, I have written blog posts on about text generation, and even went so far as to collect them into an online ebook. In one of the chapters of said e-book, written in 2016, I made predictions about the future of text generation. One of those predictions was “Statistical Approaches Will Be Part Of A ‘Toolkit’ In Text Generation”.

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Deploying GitHub Repos onto Easier Than Expected is a very useful tool for distributing code snippets for other people to use.

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Comparing the Pseudocodes of Cuckoo Search and Evolution Strategies: My First Foray into Understanding Metaheuristics

EDITOR’S NOTE: As a fair warning, half-way through writing this blog post, I realized this whole endevour of comparing the pseudocodes of two different metaheuristics might not have been such a great idea (and may have indeed been a clever act of procrastination). I still posted it online because it may still be useful for other people though, and because I’m somewhat interested in metaheuristics. I also kept my “conclusion” footnote where I came to my realization about exactly how much time I wasted.

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Using Pip on An Interesting Experience

BUILD AND DEPLOY IN SECONDS. Instant programming environment for your favorite language.–’s homepage

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