Postmorterm for a Devbootcamp Project: The Origins of "Hashography"

Devbootcamp does not have a conventional ‘final exam’ like most schools. Instead, to graduate from the program, you must work with a team of like-minded individuals to build a full-blown website within 7 days. This was my experience in trying to build Hashography, a website that would display tweets about a certain word onto a Google Map.

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The Lovelace Test Responds: And A Correction To My Previous Blog Post

In my previous blog post, I wrote about two tests used to determine whether AI is intelligent. However, it turns out that I did not fully understand one of those tests: the Lovelace Test.

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The 'Intelligence' in Artificial Intelligence: Analyzing Two Flawed Tests

Today, we are making great strides in producing bots that can automate tasks efficently. This can be a major problem for us, as AI automation may endanger jobs. But are these bots that are replacing humans actually ‘intelligent’? Two tests exist to determine whether an AI is intelligent. In my opinion, both tests are flawed.

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Surviving DBC: One Day At A Time

DevBootCamp has been a rough journey, but I know that it will give me the skill and confidence necessary for me to survive in the tech world.

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An Intro to Documentation: 4 Ways To Explain Your Code

If you are given a powerful program, but are not given the instructions on how to use it, then the program is worthless to you. Documentation is essential to understanding code.

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