An Example Ruby Class...

For A Database of a Used Car Dealership

07 May 2015

#We create the Class "Car" and tell it to 'inherit' a lot of traits from the Vehicle 'class'

Class Car < Vehicle

  #We can read two variables directly (the model and year of the Car), but not write (change) it directly
  attr_reader :model :year

  #We can write one variable (speed) directly, but we cannot read it directly
  attr_writer :speed

  #We can read and write to one variable (owner) directly
  attr_accessor :owner

  #We are including this "module", meaning we can use the methods in this module for our class.
  include Self-Propelling

  #We create a new method here to allow people to create cars. Information about the car
  #are stored in variables.
  def initialize(model, year, price)
    @model = model
    @year = year
    @price = price
    @owner = "Used Car Store"
    @speed = 0

  #This method will print out an ad to get people interested in buying the car we just made.
  def show_off_car 
    puts "Our car is a #{@year} #{@model}, and it's only #{@price}, a bargain!"

end #”Close” the class. </code>

Wait. We have to actually sell this piece of junk!

#We can reopen classes again and either add new methods or modify existing methods.

  Class Car
      def sell_car(newowner)
        puts "We just sold our #{@year} #{@model} to #{newowner}, at #{@price}. Success!"
        @owner = newowner

  end #"Close" the class </code>
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