A Real-World Example Of "Duck Typing" In Ruby: Or, an Illustration of the Generalized Peter Principle

“Duck-typing” is a very useful tool in Ruby. But sometimes, tools break. Every tool is useful, until the day the tool stops being useful, and it’s time to do some debugging…

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Untold Problems of a Software Blog: Bots

According to a 2015 report by Incapsula, 48.5% of all web traffic are by bots. If you are running a small website (10 to 1000 visits per day), 85.4% of your web traffic are by bots. Even if you happen to run a very large website (100,000 to 1 million visits per day), 39.7% of your web traffic are by bots.

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Why I Will Avoid 'Speaking Out': Fear Of The Consequences

Today, many developers feel the need to express their non-technical political opinions online…in a wide variety of different, public forums (Twitter, Facebook, blog posts, comments on blog posts, etc). I can understand why people may feel the need to express their own views to random strangers on the Internet. After all, politics is an important aspect of a civil society, and it is essential to understand how a country is run. I, myself, have posted Tweets about non-technical issues (mostly condemning the growing national debt, the polarization of American society and the rise of extremist politics), and may have posted comments on popular blogs using dubious pseudonyms.

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EPICAC XIV Shows Potential Dangers With Human-Machine Collabaration: A Parable From Player Piano

Recently, the term “Human-Machine Collabaration” has came in the vogue, to describe a sort of alliance between mankind and their tools to accomplish a specific purpose. There has been much talk about the potentials of such collabaration. There has been less talk about its dangers.

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The Difficulty of Writing About Cutting-Edge Technology: Or, My Experience In Writing About Text Generation

This month, I finished a blog post series about “text generation” – or less jargony, programming computers how to write. This blog post series is available on the Practical Developer website (for mass consumption by a technical audience).

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