The Difficulty of Writing About Cutting-Edge Technology: Or, My Experience In Writing About Text Generation
This month, I finished a blog post series about “text generation” – or less jargony, programming computers how to write. This blog post series is available on the Practical Developer website (for mass consumption by a technical audience).
Read MoreThe Ozymandias Gambit: Over A Year
Most people think spies are afraid of guns, or KGB guards, or barbed wire, but in point of fact the most dangerous thing they face is paper. Papers carry secrets. Papers can carry death warrants. Papers like this one, this folio with its blurry eighteen year old faked missile photographs and estimates of time/survivor curves and pervasive psychosis ratios, can give you nightmares, dragging you awake screaming in the middle of the night.—A Colder War
Read MoreExperimenting with Markov Chains: Generate Readable Text
According to Victor Powell, “Markov chains, named after Andrey Markov, are mathematical systems that hop from one “state” (a situation or set of values) to another.” Many people have used Markov chains to generate literature based on a pre-existing corpus. This blog post explains some experiments I recently did with Markov chains, with the goal of generating readable text.
Read MoreExpert Resumé Driven Development: The Passionate, Functional, Micro-Serviced Approach To The Job Hunt
Disclaimer: I wrote the book “Essential Copying and Pasting From Stack Overflow”, which was inspired by a cover designed by ThePracticalDev. This blog post is also inspired by a cover designed by ThePracticalDev. Just like “Essential Copying and Pasting From Stack Overflow”, “Expert Resumé Driven Development” is also written in a deadpan manner.
Read MoreArchitect: A Postmortem of a Short Story Generator
Can humans build a story-telling machine that can trick other human beings (a la the ‘Turing Test’)? Dartmouth College’s Neukom Institute for Computational Science is hosting a competition (“DigiLit”) to see if that can be done. I submitted a program (Architect) to this program. I think it has a good shot of winning (~40%).
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