Asking the Right Questions: make your research quick and painless
At the start of DevBootCamp, I wrote a blog post on research. But every good research starts with the design of a good question. If your question is too vague, it’s likely that you will fail miserably when doing research on that question.
Read MoreWordpress versus Jekyll: Which One I Prefer?
Before entering into DevBootCamp, I created websites using Wordpress. During this week of DevBootCamp, we were asked to modify our website to be more professional, using a framework such as Jekyll. So I decided to configure my blog using Jekyll and compare my experience to my year-long-experience with Wordpress, to decide which ‘framework’ is superior.
Read MoreRecursion: A Simple Explaination of a Simple Example (in Ruby)
Tim Cannaday, a fellow student at DevBootCamp, wrote a blog post about various technical issues, including recurison. He showed an example of recurison in action by using it to calcuate Fibonnaci Numbers…except that, er, Tim Cannady didn’t understand it.
Read MoreThe Magic World of Testing: It's boring, but somebody has to wage the war on bugs...
Bugs exist. They are real. We deal with them every day. Some bugs are ignorable, while other bugs ruin the software. Either way, few people like bugs so you have remove them. What’s worse, you know they are lurking in your code somewhere, but you cannot fix them until after you officially discovered them. The most-effective way to detect bugs is through testing the software. If you do not test your software, then you are willing to admit that you are releasing buggy software to the general public.
Read MoreWhen The Client Is Wrong: And How To Respond To That...
During the 2006-2008 real estate bubble, I became a real estate agent[1]. I helped my clients purchased houses during the great boom. I only got a few clients though, as housing way usually expensive and out of the reach of most of my potential customers. When the bubble exploded though, lots of investors saw houses as a great opportunity. Business was booming, as I acquired more and more clients!
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